Our company works closely with more than 500 filter manufacturers around the Globe, many of them well known and respected internationally. There is no doubt one of them is producing the filter you need, and we have it available from stock or with short delivery time. Our variety of parts is produced in Germany, therefore we do not compromize on quality but also offering the best possible price.

Based on our experience and our huge data base of different filters and filter codes, we are able to identify your requirement and propose an identical product or the exact equivalent that will solve your problem on time and with less cost.

Our supply range includes but is not limited to:
Complete Candle filters, Filter Candles, Multimantle Elements etc
Air Conditioning and Bag Filters, Compressed Air Filters, Dry Air Filters etc
Fuel Oil Filters, Oil Cartridges, Disc Filter Inserts etc
Sewater Filters, Balast Water Treatment etc
Coalescers, Water Filters, Fuel Filters, Air Filters, and so on..

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