We supply parts world class manufacturers including THK, SKF & NB. These manufacturers offer the breadth of product that allows us to offer you the right Linear solution – Your choice is not limited to just one manufacturer, now you have a single source for your linear products and manufacturer requirements.
THK‘s creative ideas and unique technology made the company worldwide pioneers in the development of the Linear Motion (LM) Guide mechanism. Today, THK LM Guide devices are an indispensable component of mechanical and electronic systems in a wide variety of industries. THK has also developed many other unique mechanical components, including the Ball Spline, Ball Screws and Link Balls. Established in 1971, THK now have 16 manufacturing sites throughout the world and with a market share of approximately 50%, THK are considered the leading Linear Guidalnce System manufacturer. THK’s product timeline gives a fascinating insite into the companies contribution to Linear Motion over the years.
SKF‘s wide range of linear products allows you to choose the ideal product for your application.
The SKF range of linear motion product available include:
Shaft guides & slides
recision rail guides
Profile rail guides
Ball screws
Roller screws
Positioning tables
Electromechanical actuators
NB is recognised as an international leader in the world of linear motion technology. Since its founding in 1939, NB has emerged as the leading manufacturer of high quality linear motion products in Japan, setting new international standards for performance and quality control industry wide. Their growth and high degree of product acceptance can be attributed to unique product designs, attention to detail and fresh approaches to meeting the linear motion needs of customers.
The NB linear system is a linear motion mechanism which utilises the recirculating movement of ball or roller elements to provide smooth and accurate linear travel. NB offers a wide range of linear motion products that may contribute to the size and weight reduction of machinery and other equipment, while providing dependable performance in high-precision equipment.